Julio Carrillo

Julio Carrillo, AICP, LEED AP ND, is a Senior Planner & Manager with Parkhill's Planning Sector. Julio is a Certified Planner (AICP), Peruvian Architect (CAP), and LEED Accredited Professional. He co-founded and directed Peru's Green Building Council.   

He served as chair in Austin's AIA Urban Design Committee (2022), and currently serves as the chair of Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee at the Urban Land Institute of Austin – Texas. He has been awarded and recognized for his urban design practice. In 2021 Julio was selected as an International Expert of a group leading a research team of young professionals planning the future of cities in Asia. 

Julio is Director at Planning Commitment Inc ( www.planningcommitment.org ), forging the implementation of the PLANNING 2050 initiative: a commitment for cities, communities, planning professionals, firms, and organizations to take action that positively impact aspects of Equity, Climate Change and Resiliency.  

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