TRACK 2: DECIDE jointly

Track 2.1: Evaluate Governance Models

Governance is exercising political, economic and administrative authority in managing a country's affairs at all levels. It comprises the complex mechanisms, processes, and institutions through which citizens and groups articulate their interests, mediate their differences, and exercise their legal rights and obligations. The session includes the evaluation pf cross-border planning and governance for blue-green spaces; the characteristics of the "informal economy" in the context of multi-sector collaboration and governance; spatial financialization, metropolitan urban planning and service delivery and the role of urban cores in tourism development.

Track 2.2: Examine Decarbonisation Strategies 

Climate change's impacts are becoming visible with increasing frequency and intensity worldwide. Climate change mitigation remains vital but is just one of the two pillars of climate change response. The critical importance of the second pillar, adaptation, has gained significant recognition in recent years. There is an increasing flow of finance to adaptation activities at the international and national levels. This session shall examine carbon management in the urban environment through presentations on carbon reduction strategies for urban transportation, a climate-positive residential community and the use of cognitive maps. 

Track 2.3: Engage Residents in Climate Action

Governments increasingly recognise the need for participatory and inclusive processes in decision-making. Strategies are more likely to be implemented effectively if all relevant stakeholders participate in their development. Engaging with the population, civil society, and communities is critical to gauge expectations and opinions. The session explores participation advances in carbon-neutral urban risk management; possibilities of integrating urban everyday behavioural practices; mass customisation of cities, the quantifiable nature of joy using geo-tagged social media data; and the usage characteristics of a "workers' harbour" from the perspective of opening and sharing.

Track 2.4: Explore Urban Transformations

Living cities have intrinsically fractal properties in common with all living systems. The building of cities has a long and complex history. Although city planning as an organized profession has existed for less than a century, most cities display various degrees of forethought and conscious design in their layout and functioning. This session explores urban forms and attributes of shrinking cities, whether gated residential development matters for community cohesion and climate adaptability of traditional blocks and buildings in hot and humid areas and its lessons for contemporary urban construction.

Track 2.5: Move Across Disciplines, Borders, and Multi-modality

Cities are loud and crowded. Parking is expensive. So, why do so many love them? Regardless of personal feelings, urban centres have been tremendously important throughout history. Urban spaces are products of pure human innovation, reflecting the unique human ability to transform landscapes to increase our chances of survival, happiness, and comfort. Nevertheless, what matters is not just that we embark on this transformation; it is how we carry it out. This session brings to the centre stage presentations on urban-rural development imbalances, crossing disciplinary boundaries in urban renewal, and strategies to improve international aviation zones.

Track 2.6: Build Multi-level Resilience

Despite efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, climate change poses significant global challenges. This session focuses on mitigating climate variability and adapting to its impacts. Presentations will explore building urban climate resilience and low-carbon renewal strategies. By sharing research and insights, experts aim to minimize the negative consequences of climate change and seize new opportunities.

Track 2.7: Decide Nature-friendly

The environment encompasses all living and non-living elements that influence human life. This session provides a platform for researchers to present noteworthy studies on the built and natural environment. Presentations will focus on collaborative planning practices for urban gardening, climate adaptability of traditional blocks and buildings in hot and humid areas, drought resilience indicators in planning strategies, and standardization of visual representation of noise and air quality. By examining these topics, participants seek to enhance habitat attributes and create more sustainable urban environments.

Track 2.8: Consider Local Actors and Bottom-up Initiatives

Effective governance ensures that urban development meets all societal needs. Public participation is vital in governance and decision-making processes, allowing those affected to have a say. This session focuses on public involvement or co-production, examining how different entities, including individuals, professionals, governments, institutions, and companies, can collaborate for the public interest. Presentations will explore topics such as the role of urban planners as agents of climate change action, balancing bottom-up initiatives with public policy priorities, and mapping local perspectives to generate joint visions. Participants aim to enhance public participation and achieve collective goals by understanding these dynamics.

Track 2.9: Coordinate Actions on Climate Adaptation and Mitigation

Climate action requires action on multiple fronts. Strategies for adapting to and mitigating climate change are essential. Presentations focus on managing coastal zones' marine and terrestrial areas, assessing urban adaptation strategies, and calculating urban carbon emissions. By presenting new ideas and strategies, participants aim to strengthen existing strategies and develop new ones that are more targeted and effective.

Track 2.10: Lead the Just Transition to Climate Friendly Urban Forms

Urban morphology examines the structure and character of human settlements. This session aims to understand the spatial patterns and transformations of cities, towns, and villages. Presentations will cover topics such as spatiotemporal characteristics of urban-rural development imbalance, spatial correlation and carbon reduction strategies in urban cluster transportation and responding to the decline of shrinking cities through type recognition and planning responses. Participants seek to shape sustainable and well-planned urban forms by exploring these aspects.

Track 2.11: Strengthen Plans with Adequate Funding and Governance

Financing, also known as co-funding or matching funds, is essential to urban development and good governance. This financing and governance session at the congress explores innovative approaches to funding, particularly for nature-based solutions in Flemish cities. This session also highlights the development of new governance models to guide energy planning and manage urban decarbonisation. By addressing these issues, participants aim to ensure access to appropriate and adequate funding for sustainable development projects and the creation of sustainable energy use and management models.


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